Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth of July!

Celebrating America, it helps to be on the National Mall (nothing to do with the Mall of America, btw, or shopping sales at DSW, but helps to be wearing something cute in red-white-and-blue with awesome strappy sandals), waving a flag or ten, and standing in the VIP section with Steny Hoyer and Big Bird. Never mind that you aren't one of them, but getting in front of the camera requires mainly chutzpah and a pretty smile, hold the dimples. Step right up, America. Start dancing, and sing along with the Jersey Boys and you'll get in on one of the cutaways.

Here is the Washington Monument on the occasion of another momentous occasion this year, a celerity blow-out replete with Jumbotrons and hundreds of thousands of Americans, the famous and the wannabe famous: the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. Pretty awesome place to celebrity site-see!

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